How to play?
Every user who makes a deposit of any amount above the minimum during the entire contest period participates in the game.
The minimum deposit amount increases by a fixed amount with each deposit made, while the jackpot amount grows by a percentage of the deposit made.
Five minutes before the contest ends, a timer is activated. If anyone manages to make a deposit of at least the minimum amount within these 5 minutes, the contest duration is extended by 5 minutes, the timer resets, and the countdown for the last five minutes starts anew.
How is the winner determined?
The main jackpot is won by the last 5 users who made a deposit, with the prize amount distributed as follows:
- 80% goes to the user who made the last deposit;
- 10% goes to the user who made the second-to-last deposit;
- 5% goes to the user who made the third-to-last deposit;
- 3% goes to the user who made the fourth-to-last deposit;
- 2% goes to the user who made the fifth-to-last deposit.
An additional jackpot is distributed among users who made the highest deposit amounts (all types of payments over 500 rubles are considered), according to the same principle:
- 80% goes to the user who contributed the largest amount during the contest;
10%, 5%, 3%, and 2% are distributed among the other users who made it into the TOP deposit amounts, in descending order of sums.