Start earning!

The ore mining mechanics are similar to the mechanics of completing orders.

The mining process

To take an order for mining ore with a bulldozer, open the page "Garage". Then switch to the "Bulldozers" tab and click the "Mine" button next to any of your bulldozers.

After that, an interactive map will open showing icons for available ore deposits. Hovering the cursor over or clicking on these icons will provide information about the selected deposits — type of ore, mining time, energy consumption, and volume of ore.

The map automatically updates every minute. However, you can refresh the current map or select another map at any time by clicking on the map thumbnails below the currently open large map. A fee in crystals will be deducted from your account for updating.

Once you’ve selected suitable deposits, click the "Collect Ore" button. After successfully completing the captcha, your bulldozer will start mining the selected ore.

Mine ore with unoccupied bulldozers (by completing "Side Job" orders) so that the income from selling this ore replenishes your withdrawal account.

Get a job in a mining company or start your mining business. The income from the ore sales by employees of such companies is credited to the passenger accounts of employees in proportion to the volume of extraction.

Upon completion of the ore mining process by any of your bulldozers, the mining time indicator in the orders list for that bulldozer will change to a "Unload" button.

Click this button to unload the mined ore. If the side job order was completed, the ore will be unloaded at the personal warehouse. If a work order was completed, the ore will be unloaded at the company warehouse where the bulldozer is employed.

You can learn the "Miner" skill to speed up the ore mining process.

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Time in the game: 07:20