Rolling out abandoned lands
How does this work?
In the Polis, there are plots of land whose owners haven’t visited for a long time. Such plots are marked with special signs. Roll over these plots to claim them or sell them at auction to earn profit!
Complete orders with bulldozers, win mini-games, and secure contracts to roll over plots.
Players with a Premium account have a much higher chance of obtaining contracts.
Winning one of these grants you one of three contracts.
On some bonus bulldozers (e.g., the D-300), the chance of triggering a mini-game is significantly higher. Stay updated with the news and purchase bulldozers with increased chances for rolling over plots.
What are contracts?
A contract is a special item needed to roll over a plot.
To start rolling over a plot, you need to collect 10 contracts of the same type. There are three types of contracts in the game:
Common Contract - allows you to roll over a plot belonging to a player who hasn’t been in the game for more than 30 days. The chance of obtaining this contract is very high.
Medium Contract - allows you to roll over a plot belonging to a player who hasn’t been in the game for 7–29 days. The chance of obtaining this contract is lower than that of a common contract.
Rare Contract - description coming soon...
How to start rolling?
First, you need to determine which plot you will roll over and what contracts are required for it. This is simple: click on the desired plot, and all the information will be displayed.
Once you've collected the required number of contracts in your inventory, click “Go to Polis”.
After entering the Polis, you can start rolling over. There are two ways to do this.
Method 1: Select a plot and click “Roll Over”.
Method 2: In the Polis, click “Roll Over”.
After this, hovering over the plot will change the cursor into a bulldozer. Clicking the selected plot will initiate the roll-over process.
Both methods lead to the same outcome: a dialogue window with the Governor.
Clicking forward, the Governor will present a choice: Keep the plot for yourself or send it to auction.
You can keep the plot if you have an active Premium subscription!
If you decide to sell the plot at auction, before rolling over, you will need to specify the profit percentage you want from the sale. The higher the profit percentage, the more orders will be required to complete the roll-over process.
Once you've made your choice to keep or sell, set the profit percentage and clicked “Start Roll-Over,” the roll-over timer will begin. Regardless of whether you keep the plot or sell it, the roll-over time is always the same: 24 hours.
If you don’t complete the roll-over within 24 hours, the plot will remain in the Polis, your contracts will burn out, and any other player can start the roll-over process for that plot.
Rolling process
After deciding what to do with the plot post-rollover, go to the Garage and click on a bulldozer. Then, you can start the roll-over process by clicking “Start Roll-Over” or “Roll Over”.
The bulldozer used for the roll-over must be located in the same district as the plot being rolled over.
During the roll-over order, all mined resources are directed to a special account for the plot's roll-over.
You can roll over independently or invite players/colleagues to assist, but you must be employed by a mining company to do so.
You can roll over your plot using any bulldozer in your garage, but no more than five bulldozers at once. Colleagues from your mining company who assist can only use bulldozers employed by that company. Similarly, no more than five colleagues can participate in a single roll-over simultaneously.
This is how your colleagues will see the roll-over you are conducting.
Finishing the rolling
After the final order for rolling over the plot is completed, the plot will automatically be sent to auction (link will be here) or become yours, depending on your choice before starting the roll-over. If the plot becomes yours, it will appear in your buildings and in the Polis.
The Governor will remind you in a pop-up window about what happened to the plot.
If you chose to sell the plot at auction, you will receive a percentage of the profit from the sale after the auction ends.
If the plot remains yours, you can start building businesses and structures on it.