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Why do we need the Tax Office?

The Tax Office building is necessary for you to receive increased income from all financial operations in the game, as well as a discount on tax payments!

If you own the Tax Office, you become the mayor of the district where the office is located, regulating income from all operations in that area. This includes income from completed orders, purchasing land, constructing buildings, and services performed in businesses.

The base tax for all these financial operations is 10%. If the mayor increases this tax, the difference from the base tax will go to their accounts. Conversely, if the mayor decreases this tax, they will not receive any profits, but all users conducting operations in that area will pay less into the district’s treasury. They will be grateful to the mayor, as their incomes will rise, which in turn may influence the mayor's re-election.

You can view the current tax rate in the districts in the Polis using the tax switch... well as on the equipment page, also using the tax switch.

Additionally, you can check the tax rate on the Buildings page

What is Tax Office?

The Tax Office is a building that can be constructed in Polis.

The owner of the Tax Office can become the mayor and increase or decrease the base tax of the district where the Tax Office is built. Additionally, the owner receives a discount on tax payments in each district where they have Tax Offices constructed!

How to buy Tax Office?

The Tax Office can only be purchased from the Storage account if there is a free plot in the district. You can buy no more than one Tax Office in a district, but you can purchase one Tax Office in each district.

How to become a mayor?

The mayoral elections are held every week among users who have built tax offices in the district.

The winner of the elections is the user with the highest number of influence points.

After winning, the mayor can change the basic tax rate for the district.

Is it possible to influence the mayoral elections?

Yes! You can take away or add influence points to the current candidate for mayor. This can be done both on the District Management page by selecting the desired district

As well as on the Polis page in the "Mayor" tab

The cost of voting is deducted from the Shopping Account.

You can vote only "for" or "against" the current mayor of the district. Voting "for" adds virtual influence points to the current mayor for the upcoming elections. Voting "against" takes them away. Any project user can vote in any city district.

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Time in the game: 07:28